ResearchUpdate Inc

Research Update for PHD, MD, Doctor.
- ResearchUpdate aimed to focus on delivering the latest updates of research from trustworthy open resources mentioned below in the description.
- Access to ResearchUpdate is free, with the users registering with the site. ResearchUpdate is commercially supported by online advertising and our volunteers’ team who work day and night to find out the best and updated research and make you available on your finger tap.
- It will also keep you up to date with the conferences of your speciality and research presented at the conferences.
Project Description
- Provide research update news from different general of medical science and socieities.
- We have agreement with few organizer to share a documents,abstract for medical field.
- It’s free android and iOS application published on store.
Project Details
- Client: Research Update Inc
- Date: October 26, 2016
- Category: Mobile Application, Web Development
- Website: