The Novus Code team engaged themselves in IMFGE- an education Company’s method to see how a web and mobile application could best enable simplified operations.

Our Client
IMFGE, a career accelerator education company, focuses on matching continuing education students with mentors that are industry experts, leading the student to have true one-on-one learning. IMFGE wanted a partner to evaluate their current admissions process, schedule and flow by providing them with a website and mobile application.
The Challenge
The customer had Three immediate challenges:
1) Online student onboard processing.
2) Match schedule time for Mentor with Student.
3) Administration Procedure

The Results
After carefully evaluating their admissions flow, Novus Code was able to provide a strategic path that will improve their education platform.
In follow up to the discovery process, Novus Code presented recommendations on how to resolve their flow process. Including:
- Strategic consulting on Schedule for Mentor & Courses
- Forged a detailed model for forthcoming product
- Provided the best framework to help encourage more branches and onboard additionally students.
- Delivered understandings into areas of efficiency
- Persist with Digital Marketing & Maintenance with an Annual Maintenance contract